Summer Task


  1. I am unsure from the post wether these are creation and if so how did tyou make them ? what where the design decisions? How did you find the software in terms of functionality?

    If not are they the review section of the summer task? and in that case I cant see the review?

    tasks where as follows:

    One of your units is to have an impressive on-line media profile
    We don't want all profiles to be the same - we would expect that merits and distinctions are personal, creative, informative and embrace media issues and growing technology.
    This is the reason that we set 2 summer tasks.....
    we were asked to:
    Add a post ( with links ) for each of the following :

    1) Some form of creative outcome using technology - this might be using an app to make a video, add effects to photographs, digital drawing package, animation- record the process - record the outcome as it progresses, evaluate the software , evaluate your outcome- again make this creative as possible for example maybe a you tube tutorial piece to camera, maybe a short demo video,

    2) Review a media product/ .
    again this can be as engaging as possible, you could review a gig you attend, a pop video, a film review, add campaign that grabs your attention, a new game that out. trip to media city, tour round a media company, an interview with some one involved in the above.
    As always the TWO tasks are starting points and are the bare minimum for a pass, we get merits and distinctions by expanding on these, making them high end outcomes. I cant see a single post from over the summer you will need to see me in class and upload these- thanks

  2. George as you have not posted anything on your blog regarding all of the feedback above I am now requesting we meet for a chat and to consider your summer grade being a below pass/ Referral. Please see me to discuss.

  3. George as you have not posted anything on your blog regarding all of the feedback above I am now requesting we meet for a chat and to consider your summer grade being a below pass/ Referral. Please see me to discuss.


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